If being a more healthier you and wanting more than a thinnerbody is your goal then the Dietstopper is for you. If want to gain better health by learning to make the right food and exercise choices to help you live a longer and healthier life we at The Dietstopper want to help you lose weight, maintain a healthy diet and experience life changing results.
The Dietstopper will help you determine what you need to lose weight and gain better health by finding a supplement or diet program that’s right for you. Diets are not a one-size-fits all. Finding the right program that works for you is important it can mean the difference between diet success or failure. There’s never been a better time to start thinking about weight loss and your health so why not start now.
Ask yourself do I need to lose weight. It is a fact that being overweight is harmful to your health. You must commit to a life long change to become a healthier, thinner you.
Belive in youself everyone has the ability to become healthy and thin. Set high goals for yourself. When you eat healthy they are achievable.
Take an interest in your health and eat the foods that work with your bodies metabolism.
The secret to looking good and feeling great is directly related to what we eat. Your body will thank you by keeping your health at it's best.
It is never to late to get started eating healthy and to get moving you will live longer and have a better quality of life. The diet and nutrition programs work and are safe just healthy eating. Always talk to your doctor for advice before starting any diet or exercise plan.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Does Walking Really Help You Lose Weight?

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES
Weight loss includes a simple formula: calories in versus calories out. If you want to lose weight, you need to expend more calories than you eat. There are ways that help you to expend calories. They are:

-cut calories from your diet through calorie restriction
-exercise more, which will help expend extra calories

Important News: Walking is good for your health!

Now, both options are good to a certain degree. Cutting calories from the diet can put a person in a negative caloric balance, which should result in weight loss. However, cutting too many calories from the diet can lead to the body shifting in “starvation mode” and conserving fat stores, and reducing metabolic body mass (muscle). This can have potential problems, because you are now losing the exact tissue that helps you burn extra calories. Creating the right calorie deficit and sparing that tissue from being metabolized, will help promote weight loss.
Exercise, on the other hand, works in the same manner as caloric deficit, except you are not cutting calories. If you are inactive, increasing your physical activity will help you expend extra calories and help you get on the road to weight loss. Having a program of both cardiovascular and strength training has been shown to be an effective way to lose weight and increase muscle mass and tone.
Now, let us break it down even further to the best activities to do, and if walking is an effective exercise to losing weight and keeping it off.
Walking is one of the easiest and most fundamental exercises we can do to increase physical activity. In order for walking to be considered exercise and not just physical activity, you need to get your heart rate above certain levels, usually 75% of your maximum heart rate, in order for you to get moving expending those calories.
This can be done in short, 10 minute blocks three of four times per day, as long as your heart rate gets above that 75% level, to have a changing impact on weight loss. Now if you are a couch potato, listen closely. You can increase your calorie output by walking. Increasing your activity from sedentary to active, increases the calorie demand of the body. So because your body is not used to the activity, it needs to work harder and burn more in order to keep those muscles going.
There are many great benefits of walking. You see an increase in calorie demand, but also you are strengthening your circulatory system, altering your lipid composition by increasing your HDL, or good cholesterol, lowering your total cholesterol, and lowering blood pressure. However, there are some other benefits that should be considered when you start a walking program.
Research done by Ross et al. concluded that weight loss from increased physical activity, and not caloric restriction, resulted in reduced levels of obesity, especially abdominal obesity and insulin resistance in obese men. They also concluded that exercise without weight loss also reduced obesity levels, and prevented future weight gain from happening. The purpose of the study was to determine if walking had beneficial effects on obesity levels, particularly visceral fat, subcutaneous fat, and insulin resistance.
Not only is the type of exercise, in this case, walking, important, but the intensity of the exercise can also be important in losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. There is debate on how high the intensity needs to be for exercise, and if it is more beneficial for weight loss.
Nordic walking can burn a lot of calories!

Jakicic et al. conducted research on sedentary woman looking at how intensity and duration affected the outcomes on weight loss. They concluded that all participants in the study demonstrated increased weight loss and cardiovascular fitness during the 12-week program, with both diet and exercise. They also concluded that intensity and duration had no significant effects on this group of sedentary woman.
Research done by Brill et al. also found similar results to the research done by Jakicic on intensity. His team concluded that there was no dose-response effect to walking over diet alone, factoring in moderate to vigorous intensity and duration of exercise. They also concluded that 30 minutes of walking, on most days of the week, showed the same results as doing 60 minutes and dieting. Not only did it result in weight loss, but it also had other health-related outcomes.
Walking is a great form of exercise that has been shown by research to help with weight loss, and changing potential risk factors in the body. Differing the intensity of the workout can help increase energy expenditure, but might not have as dramatic an effect as doing the exercise consistently over the course of the week. Making sure you are walking, or increasing your calorie expenditure, is the key to overall weight loss and maintaining the weight loss after dieting.
It is easy to start a walking program!
Overall, walking is a great form of exercise that should always be incorporated into your daily routine of exercise. If you are a beginner, start slowly and let your body adapt to the change in pace and activity, and then progress as you go. Starting slow will prevent injuries and allow your body time to adapt to the change in energy expenditure. Remember, walking is cheap and effective at helping you lose weight. There are umbrellas and raincoats when the weather is not ideal, so there is no excuse not to walk. It can be the first step in improving your health and reaching your weight loss goals.

Monday, July 16, 2012

All-Natural Way To Lower Cholesterol?

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Blueberries, which could be classified as a superfruit, have been linked to many improvements in overall health.

In fact, blueberries have been shown to prevent risks associated with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders

However, their benefit does not stop there.

Research has shown that blueberries could improve symptoms associated with Metabolic Syndrome in overweight and obese individuals.

Plus, the consumption of blueberry juice has been shown to dramatically improve memory function in older adults.

Along with aging and obesity levels, there could be a rise in total and LDL cholesterol, which some studies link to an increase in cardiovascular disease risk.

However, the anthocyanins (powerful antioxidants) have been shown to reduce total and non-HDL cholesterol, therefore potentially improving your cardiovascular health.

According to a new study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, researchers may have discovered how the anthocyanins found in blueberries could potentially lower cholesterol levels.

Let me explain…

Blueberries and Cholesterol

According to the authors of this study, blueberries have been shown to lower cholesterol levels, which could improve your overall heart health.

However, the process for this is not very well understood.

The researchers wanted to find out how blueberries could help to lower cholesterol in your body.

They used a group of hamsters and administered blueberry extract at different doses into their food.

Also, the researchers showed that hamsters that were given low and high doses of blueberry extract showed a decrease in total cholesterol by six to 12%.

Plus, they also saw that the hamsters given the blueberry extract with their food, showed lower levels of cells that break down and use cholesterol in your body.

From their work, they concluded that the cholesterol lowering effects of blueberry anthocyanins (extract) was most likely caused by increasing the excretion of different sterols and by decreasing the activity of key enzymes found in your intestines, which could be responsible for cholesterol absorption and breakdown.

Although this research shows promise, the study was conducted on hamsters and still needs to be verified by other research and a potential trial on human subjects to show if the results translate over. However, this study is exciting and could show that including blueberries in your daily routine (including any type of medication you take) could be a positive way to lower cholesterol.

Blueberries for Health

Blueberries have been shown to be effective at improving many different aspects of health and wellness.

Blueberries have been shown to reduce heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and even some neurological diseases.

Now, a specialized antioxidant found in blueberries (anthocyanins) may provide benefits at reducing plasma cholesterol levels.

By including blueberries into a heart-healthy nutrition plan, you could lower your cholesterol levels and may improve your overall heart-health risk.

Heart Health Continued >>

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Raspberry Ketone- Everyone is talking about it

Please don’t mistake raspberry ketone for anything you’d be able to get from a fruit stand or from your local grocery store. Raspberry ketone (Raz K®) is something totally different from that.

Raspberry ketone is a compound that has actually been extracted from the raspberry, using a very specialized organic process. Most companies won’t go through the extra time and expense necessary to provide you with this compound, but we do.
Here’s how it works…