If being a more healthier you and wanting more than a thinnerbody is your goal then the Dietstopper is for you. If want to gain better health by learning to make the right food and exercise choices to help you live a longer and healthier life we at The Dietstopper want to help you lose weight, maintain a healthy diet and experience life changing results.
The Dietstopper will help you determine what you need to lose weight and gain better health by finding a supplement or diet program that’s right for you. Diets are not a one-size-fits all. Finding the right program that works for you is important it can mean the difference between diet success or failure. There’s never been a better time to start thinking about weight loss and your health so why not start now.
Ask yourself do I need to lose weight. It is a fact that being overweight is harmful to your health. You must commit to a life long change to become a healthier, thinner you.
Belive in youself everyone has the ability to become healthy and thin. Set high goals for yourself. When you eat healthy they are achievable.
Take an interest in your health and eat the foods that work with your bodies metabolism.
The secret to looking good and feeling great is directly related to what we eat. Your body will thank you by keeping your health at it's best.
It is never to late to get started eating healthy and to get moving you will live longer and have a better quality of life. The diet and nutrition programs work and are safe just healthy eating. Always talk to your doctor for advice before starting any diet or exercise plan.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Breakthrough Nutrient

1 gram of this breakthrough nutrient contains the same amount of antioxidants as if you ate 459 fresh blueberries a day! Talk about powerful and healing!

It’s brand new, patented and named CoffeeBerry®. It is one of the six nutrients in the supplement Prograde® Longevity ™ which is now available from this announcement without a prescription.

Unlike many supplements, all the amazing health benefits above are in clinical research reports by FutureCeuticals. These are not unproven claims

       CoffeeBerry® gets its incredible antioxidant health power because the berry is grown in South American regions where the sun’s rays are most powerful. It develops jaw-dropping antioxidants to protect itself from the sun’s power
Slows The Aging Process In Body and Brain

     Did you see Dr. Nicholas Perricone on Oprah? If you missed it, Dr. Perricone named a nutrient in Longevity™, Acai berry, as the #1 Superfood in the world!

Many cultures and people call it a miracle nutrient due to the health and healing it brings them. You’ve probably seen this reported on THE TODAY SHOW, in THE NEW YORK TIMES and in other leading media.

What’s more, a large Tufts University study showed it may help slow the aging process in both the body and brain!

Drinking red wine is good for your health, right? Yes it is. This is because red wine contains a nutrient called Anthocyanins which is a very powerful anti-oxidant. The beauty is, Acai berry found in Prograde® Longevity™ contains even more Anthocyanins than drinking red wine!

You can get all the vital benefits of drinking red wine – without the expense or negative effects of actually drinking it.

Stops The Cell Process That Leads To 

Aging And Chronic Illnesses!
Healthy cells are the key to your health and longevity, and the Green Tea extract in Longevity™ helps block the mutation of cells and reduce cell damage! It may also block the chemical reaction that creates harmful cells in your body!

Green tea is also proven to help prevent or reverse the clogging of your heart's blood vessels. A Dutch study of more than 3,000 people found that the more tea consumed, the less severe it was.

Cardiologist Nieca Goldberg, MD, a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association and medical director of the New York University Women's Heart Center states green tea's antioxidants are dilators because they improve the flexibility of blood vessels and make them less vulnerable to clogging. "I think people should know these are important studies", Dr. Goldberg says.

Studies prove this nutrient in Longevity™ also helps:

>>> Eases your joint pain. Study results reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that polyphenols protect cartilage destruction and reduces joint swelling and pain.

>>> Lowers your cholesterol levels. Researchers believe this lowers your cholesterol levels by reducing its absorption in your digestive tract and increasing the rate of which it is excreted.

>>> Reduces tooth decay and prevents gum disease. The Antibacterial properties are also used by your body to kill the bacteria that causes plaque on your teeth. Research by the Journal of Periodontology has also shown there is a decrease in indicators for gum disease.

>>> Improves your memory. A recent report published in the journal Phytomedicine has found substantial evidence that the enzymes protect your brain cells from damage.

>>> Fights off allergies in your body. This has been shown to block a cells receptor involved in producing an allergic response. By blocking the production of histamine and immunoglobulin E (IgE), two compounds in the body that are chiefly involved in triggering and sustaining allergic reactions, it can prevent you from having watery eyes, sneezing and coughing.

>>> Fends off infections. A study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology has shown it is able to prevent infections.

>>> Prevent wrinkles and aging skin. Studies show it prevents wrinkles, cell oxidation and damage that can make you look older than you really are. 

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